Twylite by Rhonda M. Lawson

Twylite by Rhonda M. Lawson

Author:Rhonda M. Lawson [Lawson, Rhonda M.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Urban Books
Published: 2014-08-28T00:00:00+00:00

It was after seven by the time Isis made it to her car. There was no way she could make it to Twylite’s house, pick her up, and get to St. Charles Avenue before eight. Between the traffic and the distance, it was mission impossible. She knew in the back of her mind that Twylite was probably cursing her very existence, but she would just have to deal with it.

Isis reached into the front of her messenger bag and dug for her cell phone as she maneuvered through the traffic. Once she finally felt it, she pulled it out and held it near the steering wheel so no one would notice her scanning the phonebook for Twylite’s number. She quickly pressed CALL and enabled the Bluetooth earpiece she’d recently purchased. After dropping the phone in her lap, she placed her hand back on the wheel and continued down the road.

“Hello?” Twylite answered after the first ring.

“Hey, Twy, I’m sorry I’m just calling, but I just got off work.”

“It’s okay. I understand. It happens.”

Isis scrunched her eyebrows and glanced down at her phone to see if she’d dialed the right number. Was this the same Twylite? The one who called her on the verge of tears just earlier this week because her mother wouldn’t let her attend the event alone? “You’re not disappointed?”

“I was at first, but it’s okay. Pam and I just decided to do something else. I figured something must have happened when I didn’t hear from you by six.”

Isis’s shoulders dropped in guilt. She was sure all of Twylite’s understanding words were just a façade. She was probably being cursed out three ways from Sunday in the back of her client’s mind. “You sure you’re okay?”

“I’m good, Isis. I promise. You go on ahead and get you some rest.”

“Okay,” she replied, the guilt still lingering. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Okay. Good night.”

“Good night.”

Isis continued her drive home, partially glad she could salvage her Friday night. Maybe she could call Cain and see what he was doing. Maybe they could go to a movie or get a late dinner. Maybe . . .

Something didn’t seem right. Twylite had never been that agreeable or understanding. Isis played the conversation back in her mind. “Pam and I just decided to do something else.” Something else? Something else like what?

A chuckle bubbled in her stomach as she merged onto Interstate 10 from I-610. That girl thinks she’s slick. No wonder she was so understanding. When she hadn’t heard from Isis by six, she decided to take matters into her own hands. Isis wondered what kind of lie Twylite came up with to get out of the house. She and Pam were probably on the bus while they were talking. No wonder she got off the phone in such a hurry.

“That girl must have forgotten I was a teenager too,” Isis mumbled. “Well, I got a surprise for her li’l ass.”


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